News from the Sublitex world
UniCredit has completed a 3 million euro loan with Sublitex, a Miroglio Group company leader in the production of technical papers and films for transfer printing on multiple substrates, from fabrics to metals. The loan was assisted by Sace through the Italian Guarantee, the instrument envisaged by the Liquidity Decree intended to support Italian companies.
The initiative launched towards the company, which has been active for over 40 years, with a sales network in 50 countries and which is strengthening its presence on the market with an ambitious expansion plan, - Unicredit and Sace know in a note - also supports the recent creation of a new water-free fabric finishing department at the Alba (CN) plant, with the aim of further implementing the sustainable impact of production processes. Water free processes, ink recovery, reuse of cylinders and reduction of energy consumption are part of Sublitex's commitment to making its products with the utmost respect for the environment.
This loan is part of the Sustainable Future Financing program with which UniCredit supports companies that are committed to increasing and refining their sustainability profile for a better world, thanks to the achievement of results based on ESG criteria: Environmental, Social and Governance. In particular, the funds made available to Sublitex will allow the company to accelerate its path towards sustainability by raising the bar of energy efficiency and to implement an awareness campaign aimed at employees, suppliers and partners for the adoption of behaviors virtuous in terms of energy saving.
"Our commitment in support of the environment - says Paola Garibotti, UniCredit North West Regional Manager - has been well materialized in the Sustainable Future Financing program, through which we grant a company to stipulate a loan after reaching 2 ESG objectives. In the North West area, the operations carried out with this program are becoming more and more frequent with a growing demand from customers. It is an opportunity for us to give our contribution by making concrete attention to issues of sustainability that are very important to us. The digital and ecological transformation are two growth drivers on which we leverage in our plan to support the country's growth and recovery ".
"This transaction with UniCredit - explains Giuseppe Lano, CEO of Sublitex - confirms our commitment to generate added value, which we also want to create for the community in which we operate. Sublitex's sustainability mission is not limited to the purchase of raw materials low impact and without hazardous substances, but aims to reduce processing waste with a view to full circular economy. Combining creativity, innovation and technology to create 100% Made in Italy quality products able to meet the needs of the individual customer : Sublitex is now able to translate any design or decoration into a digital layout that can be printed on a wide range of surfaces, to decorate with material design solutions such as fabric, leather, PVC, aluminum and steel with products of the highest quality standard ".
"Proud to intervene in support of Sublitex, an entrepreneurial reality with strong links with the territory and an international dimension - declared Giammarco Boccia, Sace Corporate Finance manager -. Through this operation alongside UniCredit, Sace confirms its constant commitment to support of Italian companies and their sustainable growth plans ".